Iberian hams

If you're looking for high-quality Iberian ham, at Jamón Puro Bellota, you can always buy the best. In our online store, we have the best Iberian hams from the top brands and factories in the market available for sale. With our superb Iberian hams, you can always enjoy and serve the best quality at your table.

At jamonpurobellota.com, you'll always buy online at the best price. You'll also find Iberian products and magnificent sets to complement the best of hams. Magnificent sets of Iberian cured meats are also available.

Buy quality Iberian hams online

Iberian ham is one of the finest products in Spanish gastronomy. A spectacular product. In our online store, you can buy at the best prices. Enjoying the spectacular flavor of Iberian ham is very easy when you shop at jamonpurobellota.com. Additionally, we have shoulder hams and Iberian products in addition to boneless Iberian ham and sliced Iberian ham so you can enjoy the best Iberian ham in the way you prefer.

Our boneless and sliced products are vacuum-packed so you can enjoy the flavor, aroma, and properties of good-quality Iberian ham without losing any of the properties that make Iberian ham such an exceptional product. Jamón Puro Bellota's online store is the best place to buy your Iberian ham online. We have the best brands such as: Cinco Jotas, Jamones Benito, Beher Hams...

The health benefits of Iberian Ham

Health experts recognize the numerous benefits that Iberian ham can have for our health. Iberian ham is much more than a high-quality product that satisfies the most discerning palates. It can also bring many positive aspects to our health.

The fat in Iberian pigs contains more than 55% oleic acid. It has been shown that these fats have very beneficial effects on cholesterol, increasing HDL levels in our blood. In comparison, the only food that has superior and equally positive properties for cholesterol is virgin olive oil. Iberian ham is a heart-healthy food thanks to the diet these animals have during their upbringing and development. It also provides us with proteins and vitamins B1, B6, and B12, as well as folic acid, which are highly beneficial for the nervous system. It is also very rich in Vitamin E and minerals such as copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus, among many others.

There are studies that show that eating Iberian ham provides us with a large amount of proteins and fat-soluble vitamins, and it is also high in polyphenols, which are excellent antioxidants. These same studies show that eating ham helps lower blood pressure. In the case of men, Iberian ham provides up to 45% of daily iron needs, while for women it is 23%.

Without a doubt, Iberian ham is the perfect substitute for red meat. Eating 100 grams of ham provides 43 grams of high-quality proteins.